16-10-24 GAA Rounders

Structure of GAA Rounders

The structure of GAA Rounders is straightforward. 

The Clubs

The cornerstone of our organisation and are the lifeblood of GAA Rounders. These are operated by committees just like the GAA. Many of our clubs are part of GAA Clubs as a One Club Model.  We also have standalone clubs that manage their own grounds and clubs and are units in their own right. 

The Ard Comhairle (National Council)

The Ard Comhairle(AC) consists of a maximum of 17 people who manage the affairs of GAA Rounders. They are elected to their positions at AGM in November each year. 

One AC member is chosen by the Uachtarán Chumann Lúthchleas Gael, Larry Mc Carthy to be a liaison officer and offer us advice, support, and assist us with GAA matters. Our Current Liaison officer is Armagh's, Paul Duggan. 

The Ard Comhairle is made up of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Games Secretary (CCC Secretary),  Treasurer, PRO, Development Officer, Children's officer, a rep from each province and 4 ordinary members with the GAA Liasion Officer.

The work of the AC is to put on the competitions, promote rounders keep the good development work going. We are currently in the second year of our development plan.

Competitions Control Committee

The role of this committee is far more than within the GAA. Not only do they maintain discipline they also make decisions on outcome of games and arrange fixtures. All competitions are devised and founded in this committee once entries are in. Their job is to maintain the high standards in Rounders and maintain fairness in games.  


Referees Committee

To train, assign and look after the referees within our game. 
